Welcome to the AND/BOTH Community
Have questions about something you heard on the episode? Want to connect with our guest about their products or services?
Start the conversation and access all the resources from each episode in one place
AND/BOTH started as a search for connection- other mothers that wanted more than the “life” on social media. Those who are doing it their way, alongside motherhood.
Nodding your head “YES!” during episodes of the podcast? Find your fellow head nodders!
A place for authentic connection, events that help bring mothers together to feel seen and supported. A way to truly connect,
Motherhood is a journey and the connectivity of our world makes it easier to expand our community!
Incredible podcast guests
In the first 5 seasons of AND/BOTH we’ve had guests from all over the US, Canada and Europe. Each one has brought their experience in motherhood and their perspective on how that changed or continues to change them at the individual level. Each guest is invited to join the AND/BOTH community to continue to build connections.
The resources you’re looking for
Episode related questions? Want to connect with a guest or other mothers in the community? Have a guest recommendation? Bring it to the community.
Looking for a community of mothers that keep it “real” in a day and age when we’re only supposed to share the highlights? This is the place and space for you
Early access to events
We’ve got a whole lineup of programming in the works- get early access (and discounts) to products and events BEFORE they launch.
These events are unlike anything you’ll find out in the wild. Why? Because they are designed around the unique AND/BOTH perspective that comes with motherhood- no more “it’s a choice” marketing lines for products that really don’t fit your lifestyle.
You do not want to miss out on these (I know it sounds like a cheesy sales line, but the last thing we’re going to do is waste YOUR time)!